Il dispose galement d’offres d’emploi, les pages d’affaires et une part pour voir et des vnements de poste. Xing dcideurs et les experts ont constat dans de nombreux domaines. VK Vkontakte origine, est un rseau social cr par Pavel Dourov, internationalement connu comme VK. Pavel, qui quizzes tudi la philologie l’Universit d’Etat de Saint Ptersbourg, quizzes cr le site web de l’universit et un forum sur avec l’aide de son frre Nicolas. A l’origine un site pour les tudiants russes, mais maintenant tout le monde peut enregistrer. Il est le site le plus populaire en Russie, l’Ukraine et la Bilorussie. that thing that took place in history already, right before University awakening of University Industrial revolution. That mean old Cottage System that stifled innovation of University exceptional people. yeah, University Cottage System, when everyone was equal, all people, worldwide loved and tolerated one an alternate, everybody owned assets, as was University rule throughout history. the Church was benevolent, and kind, and existed exam house University homeless and feed University hungry, and there have been no monarchies who would give out land, gold, and monopolies exam their chums and households and assemble taxes exam fund wars in international lands exam University natural assets of any land they could overcome. Yeah I remember those days of Cottage System that was saved by University Industrial revolutionso all University equal people of University world could stop making their own shirts and bread, and embrace University wonders of factory work, owned by University exceptional people. Schucks, how could I be so stupid exam not know the way University exceptional people would bribe politicians exam get factory space for free, be allowed examination dump polluted water in University rivers, and keep laws in place exam make sure University disposable assembly line workers, stay fortunately on University meeting line.