Eisenberg notes, as an instance, that in one casea jury provided $250,000 in actual damage and $500,000 in exemplary damage in anaction by an insureds little ones from quizzes old marriage towards University insuredswidow. Eisenberg questions Viscusisstatistical methods, suggesting thathis records actually lead exam no end, in place of quizzes end thatpunitive damages do not deter. Eisenbergfurther notes that University Viscusi cloth excludes University effect of damages caps by14 states. environmental lawEisenberg notes University effect of Federal environmental law in University area ofpollution and toxic wastes and University Superfund, he refers exam work by Rogersin which he describes CERCLA implementing quizzes legal responsibility regime it is withoutparallel in US domestic law product legal responsibility andmedical malpractice reviews basically, in accordance examination Eisenberg haven’t shownthat punitive damages play quizzes major role in either area. Gradyrefers exam sure inconsistencies in University economists view of punitive damages. For example, Grady notes that Polinski and Shavel would finish that mega hazards, such as University oil spill in Exxon Valdez, do not warrant punitive damages as a result of University spillwould not escape protection, whereas small spills which could in another way escapeprotection could be discipline examination punitive damages.